Agricultural Water Use: How Vertical Farming Conserves Water in Agriculture

Understanding how we use water in agriculture can help us resolve water scarcity. This global problem impacts billions of people each year. Soil-based farming uses a lot of water, which adds to this issue.

However, vertical farming, especially with hydroponics, can help. These advanced farming techniques represent ways to save water in agriculture. By growing plants in controlled environments, vertical farms use much less water. Water efficiency makes vertical farming a crucial part of our future. It contributes to sustainable agriculture, saving water within our food supply.

A dried lakebed during a summer drought.

What is Water Scarcity?

Water scarcity happens when there isn't enough water to meet everyone's needs. This problem is growing worse around the world. It affects millions of people and impacts agriculture globally.

Types of Water Scarcity

Physical water scarcity means there is not enough water in an area to meet all the demands. These issues are common during droughts or in dry regions. Scarcity also occurs in places where water resources are overused. Agricultural water use is a major culprit here, as it greatly strains available water sources. It is one of many environmental effects of the agriculture industry.

Economic water scarcity occurs when there is enough water, but it's not available for use. People may be unable to access it due to lack of infrastructure or funding. It may also mean that the available water is unsafe to use, often due to pollution or contamination. Economic scarcity is common in poor areas where it doesn't reach the people who need it.

Causes of Water Scarcity

Several factors cause water scarcity:

  • Increasing demand is one major factor. As the world's population grows, water demand increases. More people need water for drinking, cooking, and farming, which strains available resources.

  • Climate change also affects water availability. Changes in rainfall patterns lead to droughts in some areas and floods in others. These climate alterations make it harder to predict and manage water supplies.

  • Poor infrastructure is another issue. In many places, water systems are old and inefficient. Leaks and poor management lead to a lot of wasted water.

  • Pollution and waste contribute significantly. Pollution from factories, farms, and homes can contaminate water sources, making them unusable. Wasteful practices also use more water than necessary.

Impact of Water Scarcity

Water scarcity affects everyone, from individuals to entire countries. It can lead to health problems, food shortages, and conflicts over water resources. Agriculture is especially hard-hit as it needs water for food production.

Global Statistics

Water scarcity is a widespread issue affecting millions of people around the world. The following statistics highlight the severity of this problem:

  • Approximately 2.3 billion people live in water-stressed countries. People in these areas face challenges in accessing enough water for their daily needs.

  • 4 billion people experience severe water scarcity at least one month each year. This temporary scarcity can disrupt lives and livelihoods. This problem makes it difficult for people to plan and manage their water use.

  • 1.42 billion individuals live in areas of high or extremely high water vulnerability. This population includes 450 million children. These individuals are at greater risk of experiencing water shortages. They also suffer from the related health and economic impacts.

  • Agriculture water use accounts for 72% of all water withdrawals globally. This statistic makes farming the largest user of water. It is particularly damaging in regions where water is already in short supply.

These statistics underscore the urgent need for sustainable water management practices. We urgently need to address the global water scarcity crisis.

How Much Water Does a Farm Use?

Agriculture is one of the largest consumers of water worldwide. Traditional farming methods like crop irrigation use vast amounts of water each year.

As mentioned above, agriculture accounts for approximately 72% of global freshwater consumption annually. In some regions, this number is even higher. For example, in some Western U.S. states, agriculture can account for over 90% of consumptive water use.

On average, farms in the United States irrigate about 55.9 million acres. They apply around 83.4 million acre-feet of water per year. An acre-foot is the amount of water needed to cover one acre to a depth of one foot. It's measured at 325,851 gallons.

Livestock Farming

Livestock farming also requires significant amounts of water. For instance, a dairy cow might need 40–50 gallons of water daily. Other livestock, such as pigs and beef cattle, have varying daily water needs ranging from 5 to 30 gallons.

Crop Irrigation

Crop irrigation is another major use of water in agriculture. Growing one pound of coffee requires about 2,500 gallons of water. Other crops, such as rice (650 gallons/lb), and soybeans (240 gallons/lb), also need large amounts of water.

What States Use the Most Water?

California, Nebraska, Arkansas, Texas, and Idaho account for half of irrigated acres and 56% of total irrigation water. These states rely heavily on irrigation to support their large-scale agricultural activities. This practice makes them significant consumers of water resources.

Vertical Farming and Water Conservation

Vertical farming is a revolutionizing agriculture. It offers significant benefits in water conservation. Unlike traditional farms, vertical farms grow crops in stacked layers. They may use soilless agriculture methods and often operate in controlled indoor environments. This technique drastically reduces water use while increasing crop yield and efficiency. Water conservation is one of the many advantages of vertical farming

Three Types of Soilless Agriculture

There are three main types of soilless agriculture used in vertical farming. These are hydroponics, aquaponics, and aeroponics. Each method has unique advantages and contributes to water conservation in different ways.


Hydroponic systems grow plants without using soil. Instead, the roots of the plants draw sustenance from a nutrient-rich water solution. This system recycles water, reducing overall consumption. Hydroponics can use as much as 90% less water than traditional soil-based farming. The water in hydroponic systems is carefully monitored and recirculated. This practice minimizes waste and ensures plants receive the necessary nutrients efficiently. To learn more about hydroponics, check out our page on how it works.


Aquaponics combines aquaculture (the practice of fish farming) with hydroponics. In this system, fish waste becomes an organic nutrient source for the plants. The plants then help clean the water, which goes back to the fish tanks. This symbiotic relationship creates a sustainable ecosystem, significantly reducing water usage. Aquaponics can be an efficient way to produce both fish and plants with minimal water input.


Aeroponics involves growing plants with roots suspended in the air. The roots are periodically misted with a nutrient-rich solution. This method uses minimal water because it directly delivers nutrients to plant roots. Aeroponic systems are highly efficient. They can grow plants faster and healthier due to the optimal oxygenation of the roots.

Water Recycling and Reduced Evaporation

Vertical farms employ a few methodologies to reduce water waste. Water recycling and reducing evaporation are key strategies to maximize water efficiency.

Water Recycling

Water recycling is crucial in vertical farming systems. Methods like hydroponics and aquaponics continuously recycle water. This practice reduces the need for fresh water input. In hydroponic systems, plants grow in a nutrient-rich water solution that is recirculated. This closed-loop system minimizes water waste. It ensures that plants absorb what they need and that any excess water is reused. In aquaponics, water from fish tanks is filtered by plants and then returned to the tanks. This process creates a sustainable cycle that conserves water.

Reduced Evaporation

Reduced evaporation is another significant benefit of vertical farming. Traditional farming methods often lose lots of water to evaporation, especially in hot climates. Vertical farming reduces this loss, particularly indoors or in controlled environments. Systems like aeroponics further decrease water loss by delivering moisture directly to roots. 

Efficiency and Sustainability

Vertical farming incorporates various techniques to enhance efficiency and sustainability. It's a viable solution for conserving water in agriculture.

Drip Irrigation and Precision Watering

Drip irrigation and precision watering are advanced techniques used in vertical farming. They deliver water and nutrients directly to plant roots in precise amounts. This method minimizes waste and ensures each plant receives exactly what it needs.

Drip irrigation uses a network of emitters and tubes to deliver water slowly and evenly. The practice reduces runoff and evaporation. Precision watering technologies can be integrated with sensors and automated systems. These systems enhance water use efficiency by delivering water when and where it is needed.

Rainwater Harvesting and Graywater Recycling

Rainwater harvesting and graywater recycling are also ways to enhance sustainability. Rainwater harvesting involves collecting and storing rainwater. This collected water is then used in irrigation and for other farming needs. This practice reduces the need to rely on municipal water supplies. It makes use of a natural resource that would otherwise go to waste.

Graywater recycling involves reusing water from various activities for irrigation. These may be washing dishes, bathing, or laundry. This method reduces the demand for fresh water by repurposing water that would otherwise be discarded. It's another sustainable practice in water management.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does agriculture do to water quality? 

Agriculture can have significant impacts on water quality. Runoff from farms often carries contaminants into nearby water bodies. It may include fertilizers, pesticides, and animal waste. This runoff can cause algal blooms that deplete oxygen in the water, harming aquatic life. Contaminants from agricultural runoff can also seep into groundwater, affecting drinking water supplies. Efforts to manage and reduce runoff can help mitigate these impacts. Methods include buffer strips, proper fertilizer application, and integrated pest management.

How much water does a farm use on average? 

The amount of water used by farms can vary widely. It depends on the type of crops grown, irrigation practices, and regional climate. In the United States, farms irrigate about 55.9 million acres. They use around 83.4 million acre-feet of water annually, a significant amount of water. It highlights the importance of efficient water management in agriculture.

What is the single biggest use of water in agriculture? 

The single biggest use of water in agriculture is for irrigation. Irrigation is needed for growing crops in arid and semi-arid regions. It is also used where rainfall is insufficient for the crops being grown. It accounts for about 72% of annual global freshwater withdrawals. Efficient irrigation techniques can reduce water usage in agriculture. These methods include drip irrigation and precision watering.

How can you reduce water use in agriculture?

Reducing agricultural water use can be achieved through various methods:

  • Adopt efficient irrigation techniques. Methods like drip irrigation and precision watering use less water. Instead, they deliver precisely what is needed, where it is best absorbed.

  • Install water recycling systems. Hydroponics and aquaponics systems recycle water, reducing the need for fresh water.

  • Grow drought-resistant crops. Planting crops that require less water can significantly cut down on water usage.

  • Use soil moisture sensors. These sensors help farmers apply water only when necessary, ensuring optimal water use.

What fruit requires the most water to grow?

Among fruits, almonds are known to need lots of water. (Yes, they're technically fruit!) It takes a little more than a gallon of water to produce a single almond. Other water-intensive fruits include avocados and peaches. These crops also need significant water resources for cultivation.

Which agriculture is the largest consumer of water?

Crop agriculture is the largest consumer of water. Crops that need extensive irrigation require the most. Among these, rice, wheat, and cotton are near the top of the list. They consume large amounts of water for growth and production.

Which crops use the least water?

Crops that use the least water are drought-resistant or native to arid regions. Examples include:

  • Millet: A staple in many dry regions, millet requires relatively little water.

  • Sorghum: Known for its drought tolerance, sorghum is a water-efficient crop.

  • Quinoa: This crop is adapted to dry conditions. It requires minimal water compared to traditional grains.

How many gallons of water do farmers use a day?

Farmers’ daily water usage can vary widely. It depends on the type of farming and the specific needs of their crops and livestock. A dairy cow can use 40 to 50 gallons of water daily. Crop irrigation needs also vary, but overall, U.S. agriculture uses about 83.4 million acre-feet of water annually. This number equates to a significant daily water demand across all farming activities.

Partnering with Eden Green Technology

Eden Green Technology is at the forefront of sustainable agriculture. We offer innovative solutions to address water scarcity and promote efficient farming practices. Eden Green’s mission is to create a more sustainable food supply. Partner with us to join a movement toward a more water-efficient future.

Eden Green's vertical farming systems use advanced hydroponic methods. We significantly reduce water usage compared to traditional farming. Our systems recycle water, ensuring that every drop is used efficiently. This conserves precious water resources while boosting crop yields and quality.

Why partner with Eden Green?

  • Innovative Technology: We use cutting-edge technology to create efficient, scalable, sustainable farming solutions. Our hydroponic systems optimize water use and increase productivity.

  • Sustainability: We work to reduce water usage and promote sustainable farming practices. By doing so, we help protect the environment and ensure a more secure future for food production.

  • Expertise and Support: Our expert team is dedicated to supporting your needs and helping you achieve success. We offer custom blends, white-label produce, and other bespoke options to ensure your brand's success. Have a special request? We'd love to hear about it!

Are you interested in sourcing fresh foods and contributing to a sustainable future? Consider partnering with Eden Green Technology. Contact us today to learn more about how to get involved in positively impacting the environment.


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