Hydroponic Herb Guide: Where They’re Grown, How Much They Cost, & More

Hydroponic Dill grown in our Cleburne, Texas vertical farm

Have you ever wondered where your fresh herbs come from? Knowing how herbs get from the farm to your table helps you understand their quality, taste, and environmental impact. 

This article will examine where your herbs come from, the costs and effects of shipping them by air, and why most herbs aren’t grown in the US. 

We’ll also show you where to find locally grown herbs and why indoor farms mostly grow lettuce instead of herbs. Finally, we’ll explain why Eden Green’s hydroponic herbs are excellent for fresh herb needs.

Where Do Our Herbs Come From?

Most herbs you find in grocery stores are imported. They come from countries with warm climates that allow year-round growth. These herbs travel long distances, often losing freshness and quality. The need for constant packaging and transportation also increases costs and carbon emissions.

How Much Does Air Freight Produce Cost?

Transporting herbs by air is expensive. The costs include fuel, packaging, and handling fees, which add up quickly. For herbs that need to be fresh upon arrival, air freight is often the chosen method. Unfortunately, this comes at a premium price.

Because of high air freight costs, imported herbs are more expensive for consumers. Additionally, herbs that travel long distances often lose their freshness. They may spend days in transit and on shelves before reaching consumers. This extra time affects both the taste and nutritional value of fresh herbs.

Air freight has a significant environmental impact. It produces a large amount of carbon emissions, contributing to climate change. The extensive packaging required to keep herbs fresh during transport also creates waste. Relying on air-freighted herbs increases our carbon footprint and environmental degradation.

Why Are Most Herbs Not Grown in the US?

Growing herbs in the US presents several challenges. Historically, many herbs have been sourced from regions with warmer climates. These areas, such as the Mediterranean, are more suitable for year-round growth.

This trend has continued due to the advantages of these consistent growing conditions. In fact, the US imports nearly $300 million of fresh herbs each year. Most of those grown in the US come from just a few states. 

Challenges of Herb Farming in the US

Growing herbs in the US comes with its own set of challenges. The climate in many parts of the country is not ideal for year-round herb cultivation. Extreme temperatures, seasonal changes, and varying humidity levels can be problematic. These factors make maintaining the quality and consistency of herbs grown outdoors difficult.

Economic factors also play a significant role. Land and labor costs in the US are higher compared to other countries where herbs are commonly grown. These costs make domestic herb farming less economically viable. Additionally, the infrastructure for large-scale herb production is less developed, making it harder for US farmers to compete with established international suppliers.

By understanding these challenges, we can appreciate the importance of innovative solutions like Eden Green’s hydroponic herb farming. Our greenhouses overcome many obstacles and provide a sustainable, local alternative.

Where Can You Find Locally Grown Herbs in the US?

Finding locally grown herbs can be easier than you think, especially if you know which regions to look for. Supporting local herb production helps ensure that your herbs are fresh and sustainable. It also contributes to a healthier environment and economy.

Regions in the US Known for Herb Production

Several regions in the US are known for herb production. These include

  • California

  • Florida

  • Texas

These states have favorable climates that allow for the successful cultivation of various herbs. With its mild Mediterranean climate, California is a top producer of herbs like basil and cilantro. Florida’s warm weather supports many herbs year-round. Texas, with its diverse climates, also contributes significantly to the herb supply. These regions are crucial for providing fresh herbs to various parts of the country.

Benefits of Buying Locally Grown Herbs

Buying locally grown herbs has several benefits. First, you get fresher produce. Herbs grown closer to home spend less time in transit. They retain more flavor and nutritional value when they reach your kitchen.

Second, purchasing locally grown herbs supports local farmers and the regional economy. This support helps sustain agricultural communities and promotes more sustainable farming practices by reducing long-distance transportation.

Supporting local herb growers enhances the quality of your meals. It also strengthens local food systems and reduces your food choices' environmental footprint. By choosing local herbs, you get a better product and contribute to a more sustainable and resilient food system.

Why Don’t More Indoor Farms Grow Herbs?

Indoor farms have revolutionized the way we grow produce. Yet most indoor farms focus on crops like lettuce rather than herbs.

Challenges of Growing Herbs Indoors

Growing herbs indoors has unique challenges, making it less appealing to many indoor farmers. Climate control and environmental needs are more complex for herbs than for many crops. Different herbs require specific temperature, humidity, and light conditions. Managing these factors in an indoor setting can be difficult and costly. Ensuring each herb gets its ideal growing conditions within a single indoor farm can be a logistical challenge.

Economic factors and market demand also play a significant role. While popular, herbs don't have the same consistent demand as crops like lettuce. The costs of creating microenvironments for various herbs can outweigh the potential profits, making it less economically viable for indoor farms to focus on herbs.

Comparison with Lettuce Production

Compared to herbs, lettuce is much cheaper and easier to grow indoors. It has simpler climate requirements and can be grown more uniformly, making it a more straightforward and cost-effective crop for indoor farms. Additionally, the demand for lettuce is consistently high. It's a staple in many diets, ensuring a reliable market.

Lettuce also benefits from lower production costs. It grows quickly, requires less precise environmental control, and can be harvested many times in a season. It represents higher profitability and lower risk for indoor farms. It's no wonder many choose to focus on lettuce over herbs.

Why Choose Eden Green’s Herbs?

Eden Green offers a superior option for fresh, sustainable, and high-quality herbs. Our innovative growing methods ensure that you get the freshest herbs available. Purchasing Eden Green herbs also supports sustainable farming practices.

Eden Green’s Growing Methods

At Eden Green, we use advanced growing methods like hydroponics and vertical farming.

In hydroponics, plants grow without soil in water that is rich in nutrients. This way, the plants get exactly what they need to grow strong and healthy. Compared to traditional farming, hydroponics conserves water and avoids the use of harmful pesticides.

Vertical farming involves growing plants in stacked layers. This technique saves space and allows us to grow more herbs in a smaller area, allowing us to produce many fresh herbs all year round. Our special microclimate technology ensures that each herb type gets the right temperature, light, and humidity to grow best.

Benefits of Eden Green’s Herbs

Choosing Eden Green’s herbs comes with many benefits:

  • Sustainability: Our advanced farming methods use less water and land than traditional farms. This helps save natural resources and protect the environment.

  • Freshness and Quality: Because we grow our herbs in controlled environments, they are always fresh and high-quality. When they reach your kitchen, they have the best taste and nutrition.

  • Reduced Environmental Impact: Growing herbs locally means we don’t transport them long distances. This lowers our carbon emissions and helps fight climate change.

You’ll receive top-quality produce and support sustainable farming practices by choosing Eden Green's herbs.

Partner with Eden Green for Fresh, Sustainable Herbs

Knowing where your herbs come from helps you make better choices for your store and the environment. Eden Green uses hydroponic and vertical farming methods to grow fresh, high-quality herbs using less water and land. By working with us, retailers can offer top-quality produce and support eco-friendly farming.

Eden Green also provides custom labeling and custom processing services. You can brand our fresh herbs to fit your store's needs. Our efficient growing and distribution methods ensure the freshest herbs with less environmental impact.

Choose Eden Green’s herbs to improve your product selection and support a sustainable future.


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