Borderlands: Texas vertical farms designed to disrupt fresh produce supply chains

An excerpt from the Freight Waves article:

Robinson Fresh, a nationwide provider of fresh produce and supply chain services, distributes Eden Green’s produce. As part of its offerings, Eden Green is supplying hydroponic romaine and butterhead lettuce under the Robinson Fresh brand to some of the largest retailers in the U.S.

“We’re able to do greenhouse farming very efficiently and also able to provide it very affordably to the average consumer,” Badrina said. “From a distribution standpoint, an aspect of our affordability is the fact that we can place our greenhouses right next to distribution centers, virtually eliminating the supply chain costs.”

Eden Green Technology currently has two vertical greenhouses totaling more than 100,000 square feet of grow space. The company is also in the process of building two additional facilities to double its capacity by the end of the year.

Read the full article here >>>


Hortibiz Daily: How hydroponic lights work


Urban|Vine: Eden Green